Down the Rabbit Hole Months 6, 7 & 8

What worked?

  • Month 6 was the half Dresden Plate border flower. It was super easy after all the needle turn applique and circle piecing of the first month. No issues.
  • Month 7 I apparently didn’t take any pictures of in progress. The corner sunflowers were super cute. My kit didn’t come with gingham for the corners like the original sample project so I used some I had leftover in my stash.
  • Month 8. Sigh. This is the chapter so far I’ve spent the most time reworking the instructions. There was a wrong measurement that seemed like a technical editing problem but nothing too life changing, just annoying. The end squares should be 4″ from the background, not the 4 1/2″ listed on page 10. I also thought that measurement should have been in the chapter instructions since no where in them did it mention that the 4 1/2″ square needed to be trimmed smaller.
    I also felt this month could have been used to showcase ruler skills. The templates weren’t necessary. I ended up cutting 4 inch strips of the fabrics for the hexagons (are the bestagons) and from there used my 60° markings on a quilting ruler to cut perfect shapes without the need for a template. It was way faster. Below is a gallery of the process I used, hopefully it will inspire someone else to chain piece and simplify their process for Month 8.

What didn’t?

  • The instructions for Month 8 didn’t work for me. Once I thought through how to rework them, it was by far the quickest month I’ve done so far. It barely took one evening.

What did I learn?

  • I learned I like technical editing. I like taking what is described and making it more user friendly.